eDNA technology encompasses sophisticated processes, from designing robust surveys and accurate tests, to extracting DNA from samples. Standard, repeatable protocols used to carry out these important steps are crucial for the successful use of eDNA technologies in biomonitoring.
eDNAtec is committed to a quality of service and methodologies that are standardized – based on a heightened attention to quality assurance and quality control protocols.
Through CEGA, eDNAtec’s state-of-the-art centre of excellence, our team of scientific experts offer advanced genomic technologies and insights that are considered the world’s best and most robust biodiversity monitoring solutions.
We adhere to a strict quality management program, which consists of a series of precise validation steps as well as procedures and work instructions to ensure the integrity, reliability, accuracy, and repeatability of our data and analysis. Every step of the analysis is tracked through our state-of-the-art Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) customized for environmental genomics analyses.
We produce industry-leading results from sampling to reporting through our inhouse technologies and expertise. Through our data security management systems, we follow rigorous measures to protect our work and client data. We have successfully delivered projects and collaborated with leading regulators and global industry partners.

Committed to innovation and continual improvement, we use advanced data analytics techniques and the latest sequencing technology, such as the Illumina MiSeq and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platforms, to provide trends, environmental maps, and predictive risk assessments.
A culture of quality is integrated into everything we do. We are dedicated to continually improving our Quality Management System and the implementation of our ISO certifications. We constantly improve our skills, processes and transparency. And we are driving the advancement of environmental genomics through continuous learning.